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REVISED AND ADAPTED TO AMERICAN ZOOLOGY, JOSEPH Bb. HOLDER, . M.D:; Fellow of the New York Academy of Neiences; Member of the Society of Naturalists, #. U. & ; Member of the American Ornithologists’ Union; Curator of Vertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park, New York. FULLY ILLUSTRATED WITH SCIENTIFIC ACCURACY. VOL. III. Nim vy YORK: SELMAR HESS. a att) ae Ew Re RSA ¥ Sa) ELECTROTYPED BY Cy GqC% sur « McDovcat Pook B __NEW YORK nha , a, PEAS hig - WEE ~a2F- Gee wa 9 COFYRIGHT 1685, BY SELM4R HESS. 10 0 aD eG ae a emi 2a ei i) PRINTED BY G ° fi ON D. G.F, CLASS Joe "SY" __xew vork__ “CF ia dA Gig eNO a. S IN the first and second volumes, we present, additional to the English author’s ‘Compendium of Generic Distinctions,” a table of Classification Cg and Nomenclature. The Reptilia and Batrachia form the subjects of this XAG a8 Cs volume. The published Reports of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, and the various Bulletins and Papers of the National Museum and Smithsonian ‘Institution, have been of equal importance in affording the most recent facts and views touching American Zoology. For the use of the contents of these works, and the privilege of publishing tables in full, we acknowledge the courtesy of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. The Fishes and Invertebrates are catalogued and described very fully in the above-mentioned publications, all of which are accessible to students or those desiring further technical knowledge, but their contents are too voluminous to be fairly utilized in this volume. Je wee Vou. 1. CON aes, PAGE CLASS REPTILES. 3 Section SHIELDED REPTILES,—Order CHELARIANS; or TORTOISES: 5 True Tortoises— Testudinidae.......... asa Steven ners 6 Merrapins— My Gide ico ieseiara'scine se orice c dese < pars 9 Aquatic Tortoises—Chelididae,.....2.c0ccesseesers 17 Ott wl Urb eS—— T7107) CLOG. sce. ct vores sus v'vie/e:t'e'e'e:aiviete’a 72 19 Sea Durtles——Ohelontad aes sccscte: s1a a's.e.g 4 sustmsm nfo ake svoe 21 Order EMYDOSAURIT; or TORTOISE-LIZARDS: 28 Crocodiles—-Crocodtdae:. 4 scsi te siete ieee caay oars 29 Allisators— Alig Qtortd ae 'ar..cie viarasiare ofelv eave oot cea s 35 Order AMPHISBABNIA: Amphisbenidae.............4...- 38 GH GIO Te ita e rio, a aia sreagp gia ncart cierto wire sar Sais.eve 38 Section SQUAMATA; or SCALED REPTILES, — Order SAURA; or LIZARDS.— Sub-Order Srpro- GLOss.e; or SLENDER-TonGuED Lizarps.— Tribe CYCTOGAURA pons tacoma sh eaciesecancns< St wiles 40 Monitors—Monitoridae 0.02.0... cece ee eee 40 IGPU eXINS—CLAG | esas eis dssicimsarainicg.eas wines e's 43 Mrue: Lizards—Lacertinidae: « ..s0.ncenssseies oe esse 45 Band-Tailed Lizards—Zonuridae................+- 50 Cylindrical-Bodied Lizards—Chalcidae............ 54 Other Families of Lizards—Anadiadae, Chirocolidae, Cercosauridae, Chamesauridde.. 0.0.6... e eee ee 55 Tribe GEISSOSAURA: 55 Gape-Eyed Skinks—Gymmnophthalmidae, .......... 57 Pagopus, Delma—Pygopidae............--..00005- 57 Aprasia— Aprasiadae.—Lialis—Lialicidae........... 58 SKinksS—-Scncidae.... a. .ccesscieccce stance Se cmnetes 58 Ophiomore—Ophiomoridae.—Seps—Sepsidae........ 68 Javelin Snake—Acontiadae..........2.00.20. 00 eae 69 Blind Reptiles—Typhlinidae, Typhlopsidae......... 70 Rough-Tailed Lizards—Uropeltidae.. .............+ 71 Sub-Order PacHyGuussak; or THick-Tonaurp Lizarps.— Tribe NycTisauRa: Geckos—Geckotidae......... ual Tribe StrRopiLosaura: True Iguanas—IJguanidae...... + 10 Iguanas of the Old World—Agamidae............. 84 Tribe DENDROSAURA; or TREE LIZARDS. 22.6 ..00020 000005 89 Order OPHIDIA; on SNAKES: 93 WAC CLErS—-C POLI es sreyiic wrstw s/c. eraisco srsiexeisiseas eisetiive 95 Wipers Viperrdae ic scisct= 2c oa sles wie aregpesa Stargazer—Cyprimdontidae . Carp, Barbel, Bream, ete.—¢ heprentdiie Silurus—Siluridae, Order PLECTOGNATHI; or Fishes w rich come ‘scent jaws: Trunk-Fishes—Scleroderna , ere tte Cera ci Naked-Toothed Fishe a —Cynenicdonies: 289 LOPHOBRANCHIATA; or CREST -GIL LE D FISHES: Sea-Dragon and Pegasus— Pegasiae. Sea-Horse, Great sce and Phylopteryx— Order Syngnathidae, 0.22 0..eseeesececesees iste aietnayes aU. Order GANOLEPIDOTI: nig Pike Ses obi 292 Order CYCLOSTOMI: Lamprey, Lampern, Myxine—Pst t- TOMYZONIGHE . 0 cee aca ee cee ee esse eee eee enaes 293 Order LEPTOCARDIT: Lancelet.......c.:.ccecessseesce se 296 DIVISION INVERTEBRATA; or INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS. 298 Some Early Reminiscences by the American Editor . 298 CLASS MOLLUSCA; OR MOLLUSKS. 302 Sub-Class CEPHALOPODA.—Order DIBRANCHIATA.— Section OCTOPODA: Argonant—Argonautidae, . 300 Eight-Armed Cuttles— Octopodidae ..- 806 Section DEUAPODA; or TEN-FOOTED CUTTLES: Cala- Maries— Teuhwdee,. ....c0.cccgncecsessnrcsecece 307 Sepia—Sepiadae... 6... ccc cee eee eee eens B8l0 Spirals—Sporalidae. oo... 4. 5.4 re asap ais alana eer aiea Bll Order TEVTRABRANCHIATA; or FOUR -GILLED ANIMALS: Chambered Nautilus—Nautelidae,.. 311 Order GASTEROPODA.—Sub-Order PRosOBRANCHIATA.— Section SIPHONOSTOMAT A: Strombidae...... 412 = Muricidae...... Sica aia le aia ee hee oie,s 3138 Ove ne | Buccinidae (first example: Whelk)....-... BLT hes i \ Conidae, Volutidae... 0.0... rary | Shells. Re 2 Cypracidae.. ... 62. 0ncwe 322 Section HOLOSTOMATA; or SEA SNAILS: d24 Naticidae, Neritidae. as ‘ 324 ' Cerithiadae,.... Fi .., 825 Turritellidae.. . . F ast 326 Other Fami- | Litormidae..........-.0.-00. e+ 327 lies of TPUPDINIAE: «os ccicse ste seceseomsas a O20 Shells. Haliotidae .... .... paraatnhiye © oes 329 Fissurellidae, Calyptreridae (first exam- | ple: Cap- and Saucer-Limpets Dentalidae, Chitonidae. Vor. IIL. Order PULMONIFERA; OPERCULATE GASTEROPODS: FLOUCKOGE.. 214 wiers) ate = iste Slugs—Limecidae. . .. Apple-Snails—Paludinidae......0....0 cece cece eens Pond-Snails—Limn@idae,...--. 0.0. .c cece ee eeeeee OPERCULATA,—Order OPISTHOBRANCHIA- TA.—Sub-Order "‘TrcTIBRANCHIATA: Bubble- Shells— Bulla: o.oo cic da cc eeeee tends wn oend Sea-Pigeons—Aplysiadae,—Indian Umbrella—Pleu- robranchidae.... Section Sub-Order NUDIBRANCHIATA; or NAKED-GILLED MOo.Luusks: Doris—Doridae.—Dendronotus, and Doto—Tri- toniadae. . . ; Eolis, and Gleneus—Zolidae PAGE or INOPERCULATE AND Snails— Order NUCLEOBRANCHIATA: Carinaria—Firolidae,— Order PTEROPODA; or WING - FOOTED MOLLUSKS.—Sul-Order Turcasomata: Hya- lea, Cleodora, Spike-Shell, and Cymbulia—Hya- leidae.. BUS ae es cltssh cats eta ihh euoucb oe cent ecan eke lees B42 Order BR ACHIC »PC yD iA: Lamp-Shells—- Terebratulidae, Rhynchonellidae, Lingulidae..... 2-0... cece ee B44 Order ACEPHALA;0r HEADLESS MOLLUSKS.—Sub- Order ASIPHONTDAE: Oysters—a!av a) srécdnasele ante d/avaeearalshy 388 Section SALTATORIA: Crickets—Achetidae, and Gryllidae 389 Locusts—Locustidae ....... 200s. ec cece cece ees 390 Section AMBULATORIA: Walking Sticks and Suen: PROSE cick aiceiepas cach sake aavat Steelas otis Sas 391 Section RAPTORIA; Praying Taisen Montidne Seca hanal eee 392 Order THYSANOPTERA; or FRINGE-WINGED IN- SECTS.— Order NEUROPTERA, comprising Termites, Dragon-Flies, ete.—Section BIOMO kR- PHOTICA: Termites— Termitidae............... 393 Dragon-F lies—Libellulidae ... 0... eee . 894 Section SUBNECROMORPHOTICA: Lace-Wing F ies — Hemerobiidae.— Ant-Lion— Myrmeleonidae ........ 395 Order TRICHOPTERA; orn CADDIS-FLIES.—Order Hymenoptera; or Friks anp Brrs,—Section TEREBRANTTIA, — Sub-Section PuytipHaGa.— Tribe SERRIFERA: Saw-Flies — Tenthredinidae, Croceridae 397 Sub-Section EvuroMopHaca; or Insect-Eaters.— Tribe Spr- CULIFERA: Gall Insects — Cynipidae, — Ichneu- mons—Ichneumonidae... 0.6.0 eee eee B99 Tribe TUBULIFERA.—Section ACULEATA,—Sub-Se ction—In- SECTIVORA: Cuckoo Flies—Crabronidae. — Sand and Wood Wasps—Bembecidae, Sphegidae, Sco- CLOUT Ma oes reat a OMe tateroteaa ah calc STORES Win se 400 Large-Headed Mutilla— Mutiliidae Mcesa(eere ai Verein gees 401 Sub-Section DipLopreryGi: Solitary Wasps—Eumenidae, ESTING shea. a68.& ase avaca coda faracu tat dy Sie @tleae ani alhtree ¢ 401 Sub-Section MELLIFERA: Honey Bees—Apidae ............ 402 Order STREPSIPTERA, amie Insects parasitic on IB6GS; Wasps; CtCic.. -